Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Kisah Aylan Kurdi Bocah Pengungsi Suriah Buat Dunia Menangis

Foto Aylan Kurdi, bocah 3 tahun pengungsi suriah mengguncang publik internasional. Tubuh mungilnya tertelungkup di pantai, seperti sedang tertidur, sambil dibelai ombak. Saat ditemukan, Aylan mengenakan kaos berwarna merah, celana pendek biru dan sepatu.
Aylan Kurdi tenggelam di Laut mediterania. Tubuh mungilnya ditemukan di pantai dekat salah satu resor wisata di Bordum, Turki, Rabu (2/9/2015).
Aylan tenggelam, bersama keluarganya saat mengarungi Laut Mediterania dengan perahu karet. Mereka adalah pengungsi asal Suriah, yang berusaha mencari kehidupan baru karena tanah airnya dilanda perang.
Keluarga Aylan berusaha memasuki wilayah Pulau Kos, Yunani, salah satu pintu masuk utama pengungsi dari timur tengah dan Afrika menuju Eropa.
Keluarga ini berencana bergabung dengan kerabat mereka di Kanada. Dikutip Ottawa Citizens, bibi Aylan, Tima Kurdi telah mengajukan aplikasi agar keluarga Aylan bisa masuk wilayah Kanada. Namun permohonan itu ditolak, karena pemerintah Turki tidak mengeluarkan visa untuk keluarga itu.
Foto Aylan yang menjadi sorotan publik internasiona, merupakan hasil bidikan kamera fotografer perempuan bernama Nilufer Demir yang bekerja untuk kantor berita Turki, Dogan News Agency.
“Ini satu-satunya cara untuk mengekspresikan jeritan dalam tubuhnya (Aylan) yang diam (tak bernyawa),” ujar Demir, seperti dilansir CNN, Kamis (3/9).
Sejumlah surat kabar ternama terutama di Inggris seperti The Guardian, The Independent, dan The Times memuat foto Aylan di halaman depan.
Aylan Kurdi dan kakak kandungnya Galip Kurdi (5) harus meninggalkan Kobani untuk menyelamatkan diri, menghindari dentuman bom.
Setelah menempuh perjalanan beratus-ratus kilometer (km) melalui Turki bersma ribuan jiwa lainnya, tiba saatnya, Aylan untuk menyeberangi laut Aegean ke laut Yunani, Kos, yang jaraknya hanya dua mil. Aylan dan sekitar 20 orang lainnya meninggalkan pantai itu dengan menggunakan dua buah kapal boat dari Akyarlar.
Namun nahas, kapal yang mereka tumpangi tenggelam karena kelebihan muatan dan 12 jiwa ikut tenggelam, termasuk lima orang anak-anak.
Aylan dan kakaknya Galip (5), serta ibu kandung mereka, Rihan (35) tidak pernah menapakkan kaki mereka di Eropa. Tubuh mereka ditemukan di tergeletak pantai Bodrum. Tubuh Aylan diangkat oleh anggota polisi Turki dengan luka di bagian perut.
Kisah Aylan Kurdi Bocah Pengungsi Suriah Buat Dunia Menangis 2
Sementar sang Ayah, Abdullah Kurdi ingin kembali ke negara Suriah dan menguburkan anaknya.

Pemuda Inggris Berjihad ke Suriah menebar Cinta

Jihad, sebuah kata yang bermakna dalam. Tergantung bagaimana tiap individu beragama Islam meresapi filosofi di dalamnya. 

Tulisan Ahmed Aboulenein tentang kisah pemuda Muslim di Inggris berikut ini mungkin bisa memberi gambaran, bagaimana dunia barat memandang Islam, dan sikap apa yang seharusnya dimiliki para penyeru kalimat tauhid. 

Beginilah kehidupan pengungsi Suriah, berbulan-bulan mereka hidup di kamp dan jauh dari kata "kesejahteraan". (REUTERS/Osman Orsal )

Dari sebuah kantor di Birmingham, Waseem Iqbal dan temannya merencanakan perjalanan ke Yordania melakukan jihad. Tidak, mereka bukan bergabung dalam perang, melainkan membawa paket bantuan untuk pengungsi Suriah.

"Bagaimana Anda menyelamatkan warga tak bersalah di Suriah? Dengan pergi ke medan perang lalu mati terbunuh? Atau... mengirim pompa air untuk masyarakat, membantu sekolah, dan membawa paket makanan? Inilah yang (sesungguhnya) menyelamatkan mereka," ujar Iqbal.

Pemuda 27 tahun itu tahu, ada Muslim Inggris yang mengambil jalan berbeda. Dua temannya ditangkap beberapa waktu lalu dan dijerat hukum terorisme Inggris. Bagi Iqbal, itu adalah pilihan hidup yang berbeda. Meski diakuinya, semua pilihan itu memiliki satu kesamaan, yakni kemarahan.

Sebagian Muslim Inggris menginterpretasikan kemarahan dengan pergi 'berjihad' ke Suriah atau Irak dan ikut berperang bersama kelompok fundamentalis IS/ISIS. Perdana Menteri David Cameron memperkirakan setidaknya lebih dari 500 warga Muslim Inggris pergi ke Timur Tengah menjadi bagian dari terorisme.

Ya, Iqbal menyadari "kemarahan" itu...

Di kota tempat tinggalnya, sebagai kota kedua terbesar setelah London, kehidupan kaum Muslim tidaklah mudah. Kecurigaan dan sikap rasisme kerap ditunjukkan warga kepada pemeluk Islam.

Abdul Waheed, seorang rekan Iqbal menceritakan kisah muram dalam hidupnya. Saat Waheed berusia 8 tahun, ia menyaksikan dari jendela rumahnya, sang paman dipukuli di jalan depan rumah yang didominasi warga kulit putih -- dan anti Muslim.

Masalah tersebut memaksa Waheed dan pamannya pindah ke Sparkhill, sebuah permukiman kumuh dengan rumah bergaya Victoria dan gang berliku layaknya model perumahan Inggris di cerita "Tom Sawyer".

 Waseem Iqbal/Foto: REUTERS/Darren Staples.

Iqbal dan Waheed memiliki beragam cerita serupa tentang rasisme. Mereka pernah dilemparkan berkaleng-kaleng bir di lapangan sepak bola, atau makian-makian bernada rasis oleh banyak anak sebaya di jalanan.

Isolasi komunitas Muslim itu menyebabkan munculnya mentalitas di kalangan pemuda Muslim, bahwa mereka merasa tidak menjadi bagian dari sebuah negeri, Inggris Raya. Dan sebaliknya, mereka semakin merasa menjadi bagian dari bangsa Muslim global. Maka, ketika perang berkecamuk di Timur Tengah, begitulah panggilan 'berjihad' dalam perang menguasai benak mereka.

Iqbal memahami kemarahan banyak pemuda Muslim di Inggris karena perlakuan yang mereka terima. Namun Iqbal tak mau berdiri di atas cara pandang yang sama tentang jihad.

Kesadaran Iqbal bangkit untuk gerakan kemanusiaan, ketika ia 'terpanggil' untuk itu.

Ia pernah bekerja di sebuah klub malam, juga akrab dengan hingar-bingar pesta, maupun lingkaran narkoba.

Kakak sepupunya meninggal karena over dosis di tahun 2010. Sahabatnya tewas ditikam dalam perkelahian jalanan.

Entah, karena pengalaman tersebut... yang pasti Iqbal berubah total pada suatu malam.

"Saya duduk dan mengisap ganja di flat saya sambil melihat hiruk-pikuk kota di malam hari, dan mulai bertanya pada diri sendiri, apakah batasannya, di (titik) mana semua ini akan berhenti? Saya menghabiskan sepanjang malam menangis dan menyadari.... ada yang hilang dalam diri saya: Islam," kisah Iqbal.

"Saya berjanji pada diri saya untuk menjadi seorang Muslim yang lebih baik, dan berheni dari semua hal (buruk) ini."

Kini, dalam balutan jubah panjang (thawb) serta mukanya tertutup jenggot lebat, Iqbal berada di kantor amal Yayasan Bantuan Kemanusiaan (Human Relief Foundation) selama sebulan.

Iqbal telah menemukan jalan 'jihad'-nya. Sebuah jalan membela Allah SWT yang lebih bercahaya, dan juga indah...


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Allahu Allah

Allah kirimkan cinta
Ia turunkan hujan
Ia tumbuhkan bunga bunga
Allah menitip rindu
Pada desau pohon kelapa
Dan embun di pagi hari
Allah memang indah
Seluruh cipta Nya indah
Perih mataku mencari cela
Namun segalanya tampak sempurna
Tak dapat kudustakan
Tak dapat kulupakan
Wahai Allah
Adakah sedikit cinta Mu untukku

Night, Batam 5 may 2017
Oleh : Bagus Indrajaya

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Hi...here we are back again with new story!
Now this trip destination is Singapore.
A mission from God with a bunch of Tshirt to bring to a fellow named Jean Marc at Thomson road.
A promes has been made to meet up the guy at 10 am at Thomson Road condominium.

After buying 2 Ticket for me and my daughter Kak Ai, we sail by ferry From Batam Center ferry Terminal , toward to Harbour front Singapore  ferry terminal. Currently Ticket price is IDR 480.000 for man and IDR 380.000 for children. Above is one ferry just going back from Singapore we meet when departed.

 A huge  Cruise ship we met ,  almost reach the harbour front.

Too late, now 9 am Singapore time, and there is so many tourist already at the imigration standing in Line. We forget this is sunday, and we should take 1st ferry instead those 8 am ferry to get less people here.

After a blah blah blah question from Immigration Indian wacky women, we pass the office and straight toward to Jean Marc Apartment at Thomson Road by TAXI. It cost 10 SGD or IDR 90.000 to reach this place. No Choice since Jean wanna leave his apartment on 1 pm, we rushed to catch him by TAXI. Now we are waiting Jean Marc to go down for his level 24room  at Lobby.

Look satisfied with the Tshirt i have made for him. He is agree to take picture with us.
(...Didnt Jean Marc look like personel of SUM 41 or others punk EMO band member?)

Based on Jean direction, we have to walk toward to NOVENA MRT. around 200 m from his apartment.
Kak Ai is pictured as she stand front of the road board.

Raffles palace garden. You can reach everyplace by MRT  since it is very cheap.Only 1 - 2 SGD per trip by MRTrain.  From Novena MRT station, we go to Raffles Place MRT stsn for about 15 minutes and out from there to this nice garden.

even a bird can eat steady safe on this garden. In Indonesia maybe this bird alread sell to a market for a pocket money.


 Nice construction.

Zhang he (Ceng ho) boat statue? here in raffles palace.

as we walk from Raffles Garden to Merlion park, we found this place is already near to Marina Bay Sand.

finally, after walk 10 minutes, we reach the Iconic merlion statue on Merlion park near behind Fullerton hotels. Walk again??? man...
In Singapore, people is used to walk to go everywhere. Since Singapore has many MRT and BUS Station everywhere, then Singaporean only has to walk to complete their trip and  go to their destination. The town look so amazingly very very clean.Singaporean has use to face a tourist, so they are kind of warm people and kind to answer even your very stupid question about direction.

From Merlion park, you can see many iconic building such as , Marine baysand, Esplanade Theater, the giant Wheel etc.

skyscrapper everywhere on Singapore. How sad to think that Batam island actually can reach same level as Singapore. But currently as too many political and wrong bussiness issue in Batam and Jakarta, then batam cannot reach as stable growth as Singapore. I wish batam is out from Indonesia, and made his own country maybe it can reach as good as Singapore.

After and hour at Merlion park, we got back Raffles MRT and go to Bugis Junction MRT stsn.  From there we walk to Bugis street.
If Jakarta have Tanah abang, the Singapore has Bugis street. A place to buy cheap singapore souvenir and apparell. very crowded here.

From Bugis Junction MRT we go to Bayfront MRT station. After looking from Exit B then we walk  via this Tunnel toward to GARDEN by the bay. You can reach Garden By the Bay by walk around 10 minutes.
Sometime those MRT has kind of 3 level floor below surface underground. can you imagine : 3 or 4 level floor MRT station underground??

GARDEN BY THE BAY!..This is actually a garden in a center of downtown concept garden. With a huge construction of flower tower. and huge glass house conservatorium and many kind of plant and flower.
That is a pitty we arrive here too soon as the Flower Tower havent got trun ON the lamp.

if you visit a t night, this garden tower can be as beautifull as this. How perfect and beauty!

We lucky to get this vision from Garden BTB.  Singapore Giant Wheel.

and more lucky to know that, Marina Bay Sand is only 10 minutes walk from Garden BTB.

From Garden BTB, we walk into Marina Bay Sand (MBS) use a very fast bulding lift, we go up to level 57 to a SKY PARK on MBS. Only visitor who stay at the hotel can swim at this Famous Flying Pool. If you see kind of boat on the top of MBS bulding from far, is it actually this pool and a small garden on top of it.
and then rate per night to stay at this hotel is IDR 6 jt !!

say goodbye to this Iconic Building MBS.

Beautifull sunset at HB front Ferry Terminal and  it is 8.10 PM Spore time or 7.10 pm Batam Time, as we walk toward to Majestic ferry to bring us home to Batam center ferry terminal.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Nice trip to Shady Shack

21 Aug 2012 , 7:30 am our ferry went toward Tanjung Pinang. It is Baruna Ferry. I walk to back side and try to catch some photos.
It is good view form upstairs. Win blow so fast, and it is good to kill time during 1 hour trip to Pinang.

As we Arrive to Tanjung Pinang , we continue to Pulau Penyengat.
This Penyengat Island has a very famous Masjid coloured in yellow. This masjid was build by Sultan Penyengat years ago. He is a famous Sultan and very wise as a leader. He has a many wise word along his life and this masjid is one of his memorable building.

We arrived actually  to Shady Shack at 2 pm. Above is 1st photo i took when we arrive at Shady at 3 pm.  
This Kind of shack Hut Cottage is located in Trikora 1 , about 41 Km from town. If you need a nice , quiet, and your very own terrace garden of beach, than this is a perfect choice. But don't ask too much, as this hut, of course dont have Aircon, TV even worst and Internet.
But what for all those shitty gadget if you stay here. As this beautifull beach will treat you as a king of an island.

The owner of this Hut is Mr. Lobo. He is a warm nice guy as what some Singaporean blogger tell about him. (I knew this place from this Sporean man who ever stay here). You can reach Mr. Lobo at 0813645152234. Rate per Night here is around 30 up to 45 SGD or IDR  250.000 / night.
You can reach here from Tanjung pinang by Rent a car liek Avanza around IDR 250.000 per trip.

Dek Ai take she's sit as she is very happy to know we already arrive at beach. (and it is mean swimming to her). The Blue shirt is her Lebaran days shirt. First shirt of her that have a hat cover.

This how our hut look. It's the biggest shack form 9 shack that available at Shady shack. 2 level. 2 bedroom.
2 Toilet. No AC, No TV, NO NEED, bcos we just an authetic shady beach with sweet wind breeze
around here,with my  my wife, Agy, Dek Ai, and our 2 followers Denny and Nina .

It is cloudy sky over there, and we start to play at beach. Dek Ai so happy to found her Leg at water.

Another 3 shack stand beside our shack. i wonder why there is board with "Mr. Cormett House"  hang at one of those shack. It is pak Cormett own that shack?

left is Nina and right is Ai. Nina is daughter of Ibu Deny (our neighbour) who follow us to this place this years.

Dek Ai (Permata hadisty)  look so cute here. She is  years old this 23 august. i wonder if in future
she can remember she's father ever bring him to this heavenly place.

Mutiara. Isn't she is like a local traditional beach girl who stayed forever in this village? hehe

As i hang Dek ai Trouser to this shack Terrace , it is becoming officially this shack is ours for 1 or 2 days.

This is what i like for this shack. your very own Terrace to look over beautiful beach. she is doing that now. Crystal clear water.

Very quiet nice beauty heavenly coldy sunrise

I meet a guy from Germany. He's name is Kai. We have small conversation. Based on his story, his father has arrived to this beach 40 years ago? and now the Kai turn to reach what he's father ordered him :
to conquer this beach. hehehe. Kai stayed here with his girlfriend. How amazing this beach that make him doing direct fly from Frankfurt-shanghai-Changi-to Shady Shack.

We play around with water and sand all day long.

This guy play with wind ski? is that the name? over and over. back and forth of the beach. i wonder how much cost to buy this kind of apparatus. is it expensive? it is very cool .

After stay for 2 days , 1 night, now time to go back to Batam island. Dont forget to Buy otak otak
tanjung pinang when you were here.It is very delicious cuisine from Bintan island.
Time to say good bye to Shaddy Shack and Trikora beach. See you Shaddy Trikora Hut beach!